Little Parade of the Crescent Moon |
"Wild & Alive"
the official bootleg
live in Germany |
Hotel la Salle is a place of the soul, a shelter in a foreign land, the right moment for a rendez-vous
The Hotel La Salle is more than a hotel, is a real seaport in the New Orleans French Quarter.
In the same way, the sound of the Hotel La Salle group isn’t not only the Chicago or the Mississippi Delta blues: it is mostly the experience of some Italian Musicians, sons of a blues and rock culture and of a sixty-years old trans-oceanic colonization.
They set up in September 1993 and thanks to many live concerts, they shortly became a well-known band of the Italian rock and blues circles. Before, the four musicians had already played a lot by themselves, performing along with important artists, such as Carey Bell, Clarence “GateMouth” Brown, Michael Coleman, John Hammond, John Mayall, they had traveled around the US, stayed in New Orleans, and also composed drama sound tracks. They uses to play in Europe also as members of Willie Murphy Band.
“HLS still stands as one of the most believable bands in italian blues scene...”
(Edoardo Fassio, IL BLUES, n°78- Marzo 2002, Milano) |
"ein Trio der superlative verirrt sich wieder einmal uber dien Alpen...."
(Uwe Angermueller, Schmoelzer-blues-tage 2/09/05, Schmoelz-Germany) |
“the last cd is one of the more ambitious and unpredictable records of the year…”
(Edoardo Fassio, IL BLUES, June 2004, Milano) |
1993-2003: more than 10 years for one of the best band of the second generation of Italian blues, but the roots are older in the historical Macbende blues band (’86-‘91) and, as the famous journalist Edoardo Fassio wrote in the IL BLUES magazine : “…HLS still remain one of the most believable band in the Italian blues scene..” against all adversities, all the “up and down” in the personal lives, against to be mainly a live band. So, why "most believable ? ‘cause, they always took the hardest choice, an original song and not an abused cover, they never been purists to enjoy some Critics and Promoters, workin’ to find a personal refined way, maybe sometimes questionable but original, and mostly cause they ‘ve started to live an on-the-road-life, when in Italy still was a foolish ambition
December 2003 : a new cd!!!
“Little Parade of the Crescent Moon”
recorded in a sound-studio in a Castle in the Middle of Tuscany, (Lari/Pisa) (www.samworld.it ) a mix of America, Europa, Louisiana’s music, blues, swing, cajun rhythms, rock, jazzy atmospheres, slide guitars, acousyic pearls…and more including a personal version of New Orleans’ traditional Iko-Iko
Basically Hotel la Salle are 3 players, but they love play every time is possible with a larger line-up with sax, harmonica, hammond, congas.
OSCAR BAUER (Guitar/Vocals)
A polyhedric musician, of German-Neapolitan origins, with a great charisma and an easy and straight blues feeling. He started in 1983 as an acoustic finger picking guitarist along with the rock Neapolitan group 666. |
In 1990 he was playing the electric guitar, developing a personal slide technique. Now he is considered as one of the most refined italian guitarists, cooperating with many groups in north Italy and performing a lot as acoustic guitarist . Knowed as one of the best Italian guitarists is actually lives in Tuscany with the band. Also guitarist for Willie Murphy Band European tours in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005. (more)
ANDREA LUPO LUPI (Fender Jazz Bass / Vocals) His natural inclination is to be a real Rock-Bleus and Rhythm’n Blues bass player: a cross between a long and velvety sound of his bass and his profound but sudden extensive voice . |
Young , but with a great experience: he has composed sound tracks for theatrical plays, recorded a CD along with the Italo-American pianist, Blind Rousa and a guest in the last “Nick Becattini & Serious Fun” CD, “Unleaded”,…… and more Right at the moment, he is cooperating with several Italian blues bands. 2002: winner of an italian award for blues musicians (Blues&Blues awards), he’s been declareted between the best 4 bass player. Also bassist for Willie Murphy Band European tours in 2001,2002,2003, 2005. (more) |
He joined the group in 1995 and immediately became an “irreplaceable guy” mostly because of the atmosphere he brings together with himself, everywhere,, especially during the concerts. |
His eclectism allows him to pass smoothly from Swing to Rhythm’Blues, and to rock performances. His special characteristic is a personal, fanciful, powerful drumming. Thanks to his musical experience (from the late ‘70s), he plays an important role as a composer too. (more)
Hie Herberge namens Hotel La Salle ist mehr als nur ein Hotel, es ist eine Hafenstadt im französischen Viertel von New Orleans. Geprägt durch die verschiedensten Coléur seiner Einwohner. |
Ebenso geprägt ist der Sound der Gruppe Hotel La Salle (I). Es ist nicht einfach nur Chicago oder Mississippi Delta Blues; es ist vielmehr das Experiment dreier italienischer Musiker alle Söhne der Blues und Rock Kultur und einer seit über fünfzehn Jahren geprägten transozeanischer Kolonisation. Hier treffen Zydeco und Caijun ebenso auf Shuffle wie Country-Rock auf Swing.
Oscar Bauer (voice, guitar; I) ist kein Unbekannter in Schmölz. Er gastierte bereits 2001 und 2002 auf den Schmölzer-Blues-Tagen und überzeugte durch seine charismatische Ausstrahlung und seinem leichtfertig wirkenden und geradlinigen Gespür für den Blues.more (in english/french)
Flankendeckung bietet ihm kein Geringerer als Andrea Lupo Lupi (voice, fender jazz bass; I). Auch er überzeugte die Gäste bereits bei Gastspielen in Schmölz. Seinem natürlichen Instinkt folgend gibt er sich als echter Rythm´n´Blues und Rock-Blues Bassist.
Vollendet wird die Band durch Alberto „Capello“ Mattolini (voice, drums; I) der nicht nur als Komponist von sich reden macht. Er ist seit 10 Jahren des Rückrat des Trios und wird dort als unersetzlich gehandelt. Ihn umgibt eine Aura die eine besondere Atmosphäre aufkommen lässt besonders bei Konzerten. Sein Markenzeichen ist ein eigenwilliges, phantasiegeladenes und druckvolles Spiel das sich durch fliesende Übergänge vom Swing über Rythm´n´Blues bis hin zum geradlinigen Blues Rock auszeichnet. (more)
Dieses Schmankerl aus dem sonnigen Süden dürfen sie sich auf gar keinen Fall entgehen lassen!
(Deutsch version by www.schmoelzer-blues-tage.de)